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Courageous Kristen Perform Her Circus Act to I love the holidays
Courageous Kristen Performs her Circus Act to "12 Days Of Christmas" for Everyone
Courageous Kristen Performs her Circus Act to "Wiggly Trail" for Barney's Old and New Friends
Courageous Kristen Performs her Circus Act to "Joy To The World!" for Everyone in Spanish
Courageous Kristen Does Her Circus Act to “Drivin’ My Life Away”
Emily and Teddy dancing to "I Love The Holidays"
Courageous Kristen Perform Her Circus Act to Habari Gani
Blake's Circus YAY! Volume 2
Emily Performs Her Circus Act to The Circus is Coming To Town
Danny, Emily, Kim, Kristen and Stephen Dancing to "Jingle Bell Rock"
GLEE - Full Performance of ''I Say A Little Prayer" [Cut-Down] from "Showmance"
Danny, Emily, Kim, Kristen and Stephen Dancing to "Wake Up"